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Courtyards of Rome

Immersive and subtle urban soundscapes set in some iconic Roman courtyards. A collection of sounds to describe the social and architectural facets of the densely populated capital city. UCS category (Ambience town, Ambience suburban, Ambience traffic)

Sounds included in this library: 25

Via Flavio Stilicone Courtyard-Lively Morning with birds, soft traffic and distant walla

Lively Morning with distant bird and soft traffic in Rome with distant walla with women and men. Various gate and domestic shutter near. Sometime, distant seagulls and european turtle dove.

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Via Garfagnana Courtyard-Children playing, calm morning, human activity

Calm morning, children playing and yelling, human activity from houses. Low distant traffic and constant hvac in some moments.

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Courtyards of Rome
05min 32s
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Sound ID: CmUD37ndbsM8

Via Giuseppe Dessi Courtyard-Quiet afternoon crickets bird and distant walla

Quiet afternoon with soft distant traffic, many constants crickets, birds and distant voices. Children yelling outs, one turtle dove and a distant car starting and drives away.

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Via Luigi Orlando Courtyard-Quiet afternoon, birds and light distant traffic

Quiet afternoon in a large yard in Garbatella. Distant light traffic, some distant voice. Light breeze.

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Courtyards of Rome
05min 00s
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Sound ID: iSCO3QAr40Tm

Via Manfredonia Courtyard-Lively morning, birds, music in background

Lively morning in Quarticciolo, birds chirping, distant walla and closer voices, someone practice with musical instruments.

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Courtyards of Rome
05min 06s
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Sound ID: lbiBRonFh2uk

Via Mastro Giorgio Courtyard-Women conversations in a resonant internal condominium

Women conversations during afternoon in a internal resonant condominium. Two strong plane pass by above their heads. Various gates and squeaking door opening, closing and a classic telephone rings

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Via Molfetta Courtyard-Popular yard calm afternoon

Calm afternoon in Quarticciolo, children and mother voices, distant traffic, birds.

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Courtyards of Rome
05min 14s
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Sound ID: oTpN3uFaKICl

Via Monte Catinaccio Courtyard-Lively afternoon with crying child , distant walla and soft traffic

Lively first afternoon with a child who cries persistently and various voices around. Birds sing and there is a soft distant traffic, sometime a doorway opening and closing

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Via Morrovalle Courtyard-Distant soft walla, calm night

Calm night in San Basilio. Distant soft walla, distant traffic passage. Constant hvac hum.

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Included in the following libraries:
Courtyards of Rome
06min 47s
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Via Obizzo Guidotti Courtyard-Distant walla, calm evening

Calm evening in Garbatella with distant walla and activity from houses.

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Included in the following libraries:
Courtyards of Rome
07min 50s
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Sound ID: QRht3yj2Tn5Z

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