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Sounds tagged as Beep

Sounds found: 1

Mercato Eataly-Large indoor market with many people

Large indoor market with many people and various commercial activities. Electronic beep from automatic cash desk sometimes.

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Included in the following libraries:
Markets of Rome
05min 00s
See on map
Sound ID: R4q91yCaOeoW

Magnagrecia-Covered market, busy

Covered market, typical noise of plastic bag and digital cash buttons. Wide walla.

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Included in the following libraries:
Markets of Rome
05min 20s
See on map
Sound ID: 0unazKZtjer3

Campagna Amica Circo MAssimo-Large covered market

Large covered market near Circo Massimo, wide busy walla, long perspective. Constant hvac.

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Included in the following libraries:
Markets of Rome
05min 01s
See on map
Sound ID: Tr6Jm3tUePiy

Vicolo dell'Avila-Quiet morning with birds and soft traffic

Quiet morning in Rome, various birds sing and there is a soft traffic. Sometime there is some distant voices and barking dog. A scooter start and go away and there are footsteps and various movements.

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Markets of Rome
Alleys of Rome I

Markets of Rome

Street markets, thrift shops and shopping malls from the city center to the suburbs.

See details € 120,00

Alleys of Rome I

Urban soundscapes recorded during the pandemic lockdown in the city center. Close sound reflections. Low traffic. UCS category (ambience urban, ambience suburban, ambience roomtone)

See details € 120,00

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