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Sounds tagged as popular neighborhood

Sounds found: 1

Via Treia Courtyard-Quiet night city hum, woman voice in background

Quiet night in a popular neighborhood yard. Woman voice in background, distant traffic pass. Light breeze and gust in the trees.

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Included in the following libraries:
Courtyards of Rome
05min 18s
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Sound ID: EK28spWAfJRo

Via del Pigneto Pedestrian Zone-Very loud walla full of guys

Loud walla full of many guys in a popular zone of Rome. There are various glass bottles noise and distant vehicles like as scooter pass by.

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Included in the following libraries:
Streets of Rome
05min 01s
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Sound ID: GHEFgNZhpXw6

Piazza del Quarticciolo-Distant walla

Quiet square in a popular neighborhood, Distant walla from palaces.

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Included in the following libraries:
Squares of Rome I
05min 36s
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Sound ID: GygkwJBnp93l

Via Corinaldo Courtyard-Lively popular yard, distant walla

Lively yard in San Basilio, distant walla and yelling, children and parents voices.

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Included in the following libraries:
Courtyards of Rome
05min 06s
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Sound ID: HwoFsEQlZUhD

Via Molfetta Courtyard-Popular yard calm afternoon

Calm afternoon in Quarticciolo, children and mother voices, distant traffic, birds.

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Included in the following libraries:
Courtyards of Rome
05min 14s
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Sound ID: oTpN3uFaKICl

Via Adalberto Courtyard-Distant traffic, wind in leaves

Distant traffic from a popular yard. Low human presence. Wind in leaves rustle.

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Included in the following libraries:
Courtyards of Rome
05min 00s
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Sound ID: QDrjheAa7ldS

Via Palmiro Togliatti Courtyard-Walla from condominiums

Evening in a popular hood yard. Walla from houses, distant traffic,different dog barks.

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Included in the following libraries:
Courtyards of Rome
05min 22s
See on map
Sound ID: wYBnXqNAQj6F

Suggested libraries

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Courtyards of Rome
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Courtyards of Rome

Immersive and subtle urban soundscapes set in some iconic Roman courtyards. A collection of sounds to describe the social and architectural facets of the densely populated capital city. UCS category (Ambience town, Ambience suburban, Ambience traffic)

See details € 120,00

Streets of Rome

In Copertina Via dei Chiavari del 24 Aprile 2020

See details € 120,00

Squares of Rome I

Large famous squares in Rome recorded during the pandemic lock down. Unique ambiences without traffic and turist. UCS category (ambience urban, ambience room tone, water fountain)

See details € 120,00

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