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Sounds tagged as Tram Whistle

Sounds found: 1

Vicolo dei Cenci-Distant traffic, nearby tram, constant hum

Distant traffic and nearby tram passage. Swallows and some seagull. Constant hum from hvac.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
06min 56s
See on map
Sound ID: FzyaNKAsQxJe

Vicolo del Babuccio-Constant loud fan and walla

A constant loud fan go and there is various walla around. Various hits and movements in background and there is a distant traffic with various tram passages.

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Piazza di Torre Argentina-Distant busses and tram distant passage

Distant busses and tram distant passage, some swallows.

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Included in the following libraries:
Squares of Rome I
05min 23s
See on map
Sound ID: sUb53PEz7xvf

Suggested libraries

According your search we recommend you to take look at the following libraries. You could find them interesting.

Alleys of Rome I
Squares of Rome I

Alleys of Rome I

Urban soundscapes recorded during the pandemic lockdown in the city center. Close sound reflections. Low traffic. UCS category (ambience urban, ambience suburban, ambience roomtone)

See details € 120,00

Squares of Rome I

Large famous squares in Rome recorded during the pandemic lock down. Unique ambiences without traffic and turist. UCS category (ambience urban, ambience room tone, water fountain)

See details € 120,00

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