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Sounds tagged as Scooter

Sounds found: 1

Piazza Cavalieri di Malta-Children playtime with ball on square

Children playtime with ball on square Cavalieri di Malta on Rome. Various children scream while they play and various adult voices in walla. Distant soft traffic and some distant birds. Sometime distant scooter and other vehicles pass by.

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Vicolo delle Ceste-Constant loud fan and two people conversation

Constant loud fan from Hvac system and conversations between two people. There are distant traffic with some various vehicles passages like as trams and some water drops also. A nearby scooter starting and go away and there is a pigeon.

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Via del Pigneto Pedestrian Zone-Very loud walla full of guys

Loud walla full of many guys in a popular zone of Rome. There are various glass bottles noise and distant vehicles like as scooter pass by.

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Included in the following libraries:
Streets of Rome
05min 01s
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Sound ID: GHEFgNZhpXw6

Vicolo Degli Orti d'Alibert-Birds, distant traffic, human activity

Birds chirping and seagull whining. Distant traffic and siren and some close passage of car and scooter. Someone sweeping and hammering nearby.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
05min 13s
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Piazza San Pietro in Montorio-Nice bells, calm city

Clean nice bells from 50m distance. Calm city , distant traffic. Scooter stop and departure.

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Included in the following libraries:
Squares of Rome I
05min 03s
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Sound ID: RuWzEMpZ6Xak

Vicolo Del Buco-People during various activity and heavy objects movements

Alley with various people during working and conversations. There are heels footsteps once and a scooter pass by. Someone moves heavy and big wooden objects. Sometime cutlery noise and a door once.

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Piazza di San Cosimato-Lively place with walla and vendors on nearby street market

Lively square with walla of generic people. There are vendors while sets the street market. Whistling man once and various scooter and others vehicles pass by. Little dog barking far and many people speak around.

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Vicolo dell'Avila-Quiet morning with birds and soft traffic

Quiet morning in Rome, various birds sing and there is a soft traffic. Sometime there is some distant voices and barking dog. A scooter start and go away and there are footsteps and various movements.

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Vicolo dei Cenci-Distant traffic, nearby tram, constant hum

Distant traffic and nearby tram passage. Swallows and some seagull. Constant hum from hvac.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
06min 56s
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Sound ID: FzyaNKAsQxJe

Pincio-Various traffic with birds around

Birds, traffic and wind. Sometime some vehicles like as scooters and busses pass by and someone hammering far away.

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Included in the following libraries:
Rooftops of Rome
05min 00s
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Sound ID: GFhYu29cVH0W

Piazza del Fico-Distant walla and people walking, water in background

Quiet spot nearby pedestrian crossing. Water dripping and hvac in background. Single bird chirps. Helicopter pass by.

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Included in the following libraries:
Squares of Rome I
10min 05s
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Sound ID: IpaRjvW9so3x

Piazza Nuccitelli-Breeze, distant building site

Light breeze, distant building site, single voices and dove, music in background, light traffic.

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Included in the following libraries:
Squares of Rome I
05min 01s
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Sound ID: JK6lASgGhVfj

Vicolo dei Tabaccai-Quiet, distant traffic

Quiet night, distant traffic, seagulls, bells.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
05min 00s
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Sound ID: MEkFnxusfw7V

Via Ettore Franceschini-Constant traffic and various noise

Constant traffic and dirty background with noise and hum. Various vehicles pass by and there are various birds around. The constant frequency from hydraulic system stops after a while.

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Included in the following libraries:
Rooftops of Rome
05min 00s
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Sound ID: pStl4Q8ojcv2

Via Adalberto Courtyard-Distant traffic, wind in leaves

Distant traffic from a popular yard. Low human presence. Wind in leaves rustle.

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Included in the following libraries:
Courtyards of Rome
05min 00s
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Sound ID: QDrjheAa7ldS

Via Morrovalle Courtyard-Distant soft walla, calm night

Calm night in San Basilio. Distant soft walla, distant traffic passage. Constant hvac hum.

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Included in the following libraries:
Courtyards of Rome
06min 47s
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Piazza dei Sanniti-Walla, light traffic

Walla, distant time bells, light traffic, cars and scooters pass by. Car idle in background.

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Included in the following libraries:
Squares of Rome I
06min 14s
See on map
Sound ID: WDNJgwcBkFeG

Via Giuseppe Donati-Intense traffic with various kind of vehicles

Intense traffic from private terrace in Rome. There are various movements around of people and various footsteps. A lot of kinds of vehicles like as cars, scooters and busses pass by and sometime distant voices.

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Included in the following libraries:
Rooftops of Rome
05min 00s
See on map
Sound ID: y6JGUeVzcisB

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Children of Rome

In Copertina Bambini a Villa Ada 27 Maggio 2020

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Alleys of Rome I

Urban soundscapes recorded during the pandemic lockdown in the city center. Close sound reflections. Low traffic. UCS category (ambience urban, ambience suburban, ambience roomtone)

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Streets of Rome

In Copertina Via dei Chiavari del 24 Aprile 2020

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Squares of Rome I

Large famous squares in Rome recorded during the pandemic lock down. Unique ambiences without traffic and turist. UCS category (ambience urban, ambience room tone, water fountain)

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Rooftops of Rome

Urban sounds from spectacular terraces and tall buildings overlooking the city. The height of the buildings and the distance from all of the different city sound ingredients create a perfectly balanced soundscape.

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Courtyards of Rome

Immersive and subtle urban soundscapes set in some iconic Roman courtyards. A collection of sounds to describe the social and architectural facets of the densely populated capital city. UCS category (Ambience town, Ambience suburban, Ambience traffic)

See details € 120,00

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