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Sounds tagged as Park

Sounds found: 1

Acqueduct Park School-Playtime

Playtime in the park's school. Children yelling, running and playn around at distance. Grass trimmer in background.

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Included in the following libraries:
Children of Rome
05min 00s
See on map
Sound ID: BsGduj7zOLy6

Mandrione Park-Walla, children playing

Large walla from parents and children playing.

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Included in the following libraries:
Children of Rome
05min 00s
See on map
Sound ID: c4f1aeuFCTPM

Parco Casina Rossa-Playtime screeaming children

Playtime in the Casina Rossa Park with near screeaming children in wooden toys and other classic wooden rides for children. There is soft distant traffic with some car horns and birds around. Sometime distant dog barking.

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According your search we recommend you to take look at the following libraries. You could find them interesting.

Children of Rome

Children of Rome

In Copertina Bambini a Villa Ada 27 Maggio 2020

See details € 120,00

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