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Alleys of Rome I

Urban soundscapes recorded during the pandemic lockdown in the city center. Close sound reflections. Low traffic. UCS category (ambience urban, ambience suburban, ambience roomtone)

Sounds included in this library: 32

Vicolo Del Mattonato-Quiet night

Quiet night, distant voices from houses. Person and dog passing. Distant time bells from church.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
05min 00s
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Sound ID: 16jmriE8TgOe

Vicolo del Divino Amore-Dark hum

Dark tone from hvac. Voices in background. Cat meowing at start and random swallows pass by.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
05min 05s
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Sound ID: e0AWVa2vkmc5

Vicolo Del Buco-People during various activity and heavy objects movements

Alley with various people during working and conversations. There are heels footsteps once and a scooter pass by. Someone moves heavy and big wooden objects. Sometime cutlery noise and a door once.

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Vicolo del Bologna-Soft traffic rumble, distant walla

Distant traffic rumble in the first part, distant walla in the second. Hvac and dripping water in background.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
08min 01s
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Sound ID: dpQ3X1eo9SIc

Vicolo del Babuccio-Constant loud fan and walla

A constant loud fan go and there is various walla around. Various hits and movements in background and there is a distant traffic with various tram passages.

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Vicolo dei Tabaccai-Quiet, distant traffic

Quiet night, distant traffic, seagulls, bells.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
05min 00s
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Sound ID: MEkFnxusfw7V

Vicolo dei Soldati-Distant traffic, bird chirps

Steady distant traffic, water flowing in background. Present single bird chirps.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
05min 00s
See on map
Sound ID: TtcDMp80ms7z

Vicolo dei Panieri-Soft traffic, birds and various distant voices

Lively alley in Roma during afternoon with various birds, some distant children and adults walla and moderate distant traffic with some distinct vehicles passage. Distant electronic music playing.

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Vicolo dei Granari-Constant hum and construction

Constant hvac hum, little construction site nearby.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
05min 00s
See on map
Sound ID: hy9SLfUwXiN2

Vicolo dei Cenci-Distant traffic, nearby tram, constant hum

Distant traffic and nearby tram passage. Swallows and some seagull. Constant hum from hvac.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
06min 56s
See on map
Sound ID: FzyaNKAsQxJe

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