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Alleys of Rome I

Urban soundscapes recorded during the pandemic lockdown in the city center. Close sound reflections. Low traffic. UCS category (ambience urban, ambience suburban, ambience roomtone)

Sounds included in this library: 32

Vicolo Degli Orti d'Alibert-Birds, distant traffic, human activity

Birds chirping and seagull whining. Distant traffic and siren and some close passage of car and scooter. Someone sweeping and hammering nearby.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
05min 13s
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Vicolo Cieco-Quiet, voices and baby vocalization

Quiet alley, traffic rumble in background. Voices and baby vocalization from houses.

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Included in the following libraries:
Alleys of Rome I
05min 00s
See on map
Sound ID: A1IyMUHxkBjv

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